There is so much more about you that what people are expecting from you
While the people around us often mean well when they try to guide us on which direction to take, it’s okay to say, “This is not my path.” Following someone else’s path can leave us feeling unfulfilled.
It’s fine to be inspired by those you admire, but basing your life on someone else’s choices isn’t the most authentic decision you can make for yourself. I believe that when making decisions, there’s often a small fear, and sharing it with others may add their fears into the mix.
To truly follow your own path and fulfill your life, you must first do the inner work—the work of knowing yourself.
Know yourself first
When you know who you are and how you want to feel (rather than just what you want to accomplish), things begin to unfold more easily. Of course, there are times when we need guidance or advice, but following someone else’s path by their standards feels disempowering and inauthentic.
I found my voice when I started following my own advice.
For me, moving to a different country was an empowering experience that shaped my journey. Growing up, my environment was full of recurring stories across generations, none of which felt right for me. The easiest way to break free was to leave and find my own inner guidance.
In the beginning, it was tough, because the voices you’ve heard your whole life, the voices of family, teachers, and friends, continue to echo in your mind. It’s hard to distinguish which thoughts are truly your own.
Clarity comes from a quiet mind, but when all those voices are talking, your mind feels more like a tornado. You can’t make decisions in the middle of a storm. It's too stressful to think clearly under such conditions.
First lets organise the mind
Recognize that not all the voices in your head are correct. Identify the voice that feels gentler, clearer, and better aligned with who you are. Choose emotions that are easier to process.
Sometimes, I feel like a “mom” voice is fighting with a rebellious teenager inside me. There are days when following the “mom” voice feels right, and other days, embracing a bit of rebellion feels better. It’s all about finding the balance between what feels good, what I want, and how my best self would handle the situation.
Comparison will not help you
If you’re trying to gain clarity about what you want, you need to step away from what everyone else is doing. Their accomplishments and lifestyles have nothing to do with what will bring you joy. Comparing yourself to others only leads to disappointment.
It’s tough nowadays, with social media making everyone's life look perfect. But trust me, finding your own authentic self feels so much better than trying to imitate someone else.
The universe needs you on your full potential
Everyone is different, and that’s what makes life beautiful. The world would be boring if we all looked the same, pursued the same careers, or had the same type of relationships.
There’s something magical that happens when a person embraces their uniqueness. You may have noticed it in the people you admire. Embracing your true self brings confidence and clarity, and neither can be achieved by pretending to be someone else just to be liked.
You don't need to be liked by everyone
You’re not here to be liked by everyone. No matter what you do, someone will always disagree or see things differently. Surround yourself with people who appreciate and support you, who expect you to be your authentic self and celebrate having you in their lives.
Avoid “constructive criticism” that pushes you to meet someone else’s needs—it will never be enough. Someone who wants you to be what they need will never be satisfied. This doesn’t mean you aren’t enough; it means they aren’t your people. Losing yourself while trying to please others will only lead to misery.
Be yourself and the rest will fall into place
When you change, people who are used to your old ways may not like the “new you.” That’s okay—this journey isn’t about them.
What in your life is calling out to be expressed? Show it to the world, and know that the right people will come into your life as a result.
When you live as your best self, making every decision based on what feels right for you—without worrying about others’ opinions—you will find the freedom to create the life you’ve always dreamed of.
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